
Showing posts from August, 2017


When I was ten I knew my life’s destination. Marriage, career, family, house, etc. I had no definitive plan, but I knew with all my heart that this place was I was meant to go. Control is a funny thing. We think we have it until something happens that makes us realize it is an illusion. We hold on for dear life to the idea but we never actually touch it...control is almost always beyond us. When I went for the ten year old’s dream destination...I thought I had control. I made the choice, I was in the driver’s seat. Then I woke up one day and I was divorced. The control I thought I had, the full proof plan I’d created for my life wasn’t reality. In hindsight I should have let go but letting go of childhood dreams is hard. So I did it again. Married, my choice, control was within my reach… Divorce. Again. Divorce isn’t just the end of a relationship it’s the death of a dream. It is humbling and sad and lonely. Among many other things, it taught me that control is not the...